What is 5HRF Assignment writing help online?

This is the main unit of CIPD as it helps employs to understand the main key purpose of the human resource function in the organization. It also helps to understand that how the HR function and evaluate a situation to protect organization from external threats. Hence exploring this field will help students to make a friendly relation with the organization..

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Activity 1

Question 1

HR functions in Unilever 

Unilever is a British MNC that deals exclusively in food, beverage, home care, beauty, and hygiene products. The company has a dedicated presence in over 150 different countries, and they enjoy an immense market share (Priyadarshini, 2020). The business’s apparent size and range indicate that there are a large number of human resources in the organisation. This is evidenced by the company website, where they claim to employ over 20,000 individuals in their total global operations. Managing all these personnel requires a highly efficient and developed human resources department, and the company has proven to possess that. The following are some of the features of the company Unilever’s Human Resource Practices 

  • The company’s HR policy is a combination of both a direct control-based model and a more modern compliance-based model (Priyadarshini, 2020). This means that the company focuses on empowering its employees through various methods and also constantly strives to reduce redundancies in the workplace. 
  • Simple Job Design: The jobs at Unilever are broken down and categorised into several smaller subdivisions. This creates a system of accountability and responsibility where employees can perform their tasks efficiently, individually or in teams. 
  • The Organizational Hierarchy or scalar chain is clearly defined in the organisation through the exact nature varies based upon the country of location (Köchling and Wehner, 2020). The company follows a top-down approach when it comes to

HR functions in Accenture

Accenture is a similar service-based MNC operating in the IT sector and originates from Dublin, Ireland. This too is a large-scale organisation with clients and field offices in a large number of developed and developing countries. The company offers IT consultancy as a service, and thus they hold onto a significant sum of human resources to meet the demands of their clients. The clientele of the company range across many Fortune 500 companies as well as several governments of the state (Leong, 2020).  The company has been widely praised for its Human Resource practices, and it has won 12 consecutive years the title of Fortune’s 100 Best Companies to Work For. The following are some of the features of the HR strategies followed at Accenture. 

  • Investing in Employees: The Company has over 50,000 individuals on their payroll, and despite such a huge size, they provide attention at individual levels. The company believes in granting their employees every choice and chance to upgrade themselves. That is why they have a segment called ‘Career Market’, which provides employees with a complete guide to their intended career path. Accenture has created 50 digital classrooms internationally so students from all over can tune in and up-skill themselves (Sengupta et al., 2020). They also have dedicated mentorship programs that focus on the holistic development of an individual in close contact with a superior.  
  • Diversity in Workplace: As the business is spread wide and thin over almost 40 industries in more than 100 countries, Accenture treats ‘Diversity as a core value. This is further evidenced by the company statistics, which show that 38% of employees are women while a staggering 51% are minorities (Sengupta et al., 2020). In order to effectively reach their client’s needs, they have developed such an accepting and progressive work culture.  
  • Hiring Process: Accenture believes that acquiring and on-boarding the correct people will spell long-term success for the company. Hence their hiring process has often been classified as a proactive approach where senior company officials are sent to universities and college campuses to draw out the best talent. Another approach they take towards Proactive hiring is to make their job listings highly productive and eye-catching. They have a dedicated ‘Know Our People’ Section where applicants can see the type of talent in the company as well as a ‘jobs Like Me’ Segment, which clarifies in-depth the finer details of a specific job role (Abid, 2015).  
  • The company follows a centralised mode of conducting HR operations. This means that there is a dedicated human resources department outside of the operational hierarchy. This department is tasked with jobs like managing the payroll, conducting employee evaluations and appraisals, hiring, firing, and others (Jeffery et al., 2017).

Comparisons of HR framework of Unilever and Accenture

The two companies in question here, Unilever and Accenture, may seem similar at first glance as they are both Global Giants and Popular MNCS, but there are stark contrasts in their mode of operations. Some of these differences have been highlighted below 

  • The company Accenture employs almost double the employees (50,000 compared to 20,000+) as that of Unilever. This means that the scope of the company Accenture is much wider, and the HR functions are more complicated. 
  • All HR functions in Unilever are centred on their employees being empowered enough to tackle customer situations. This is primarily because Unilever is in the business of retail sale of mass-produced items. That is why their labour force is centred on handling customer queries and promoting products made by themselves. On the other, Accenture had to deal with consultancy issues and thus train their employees to be more proactive and solution-oriented in periods of crisis. Unlike Unilever, Accenture has very limited stock service offerings, and they offer more of a tailor-made solution for their client. Thus they focus on the holistic development of their employees so they can better tackle their client interactions.

Question 2

Three objectives that an HR function Shares responsibility for are

  • Workforce Planning: Workforce planning is the function that organisations perform in order to analyse their current workforce and take the necessary steps to ensure a viable future. This is primarily a process of estimating resource requirements, and human resources are considered some of the most valuable and time-consuming of all. In workforce planning, an organisation must systematically calculate and assess its workforce composition and viability. This should then be mapped against the future directives of the company and properly recalibrated. The most common results that arise from this strategy are downsizing current employees, outside hiring, or even outsourcing work to more cost-effective centres. HR performs a crucial task in ensuring the success of Workforce planning. They are finely in tune with the remuneration offered to different classes of employees and thus can estimate which sector draws in most funds. This input will then help take informed cost-cutting decisions (Rees and Smith, 2021). Additionally, HR is deeply connected with hiring new employees should it be so, and they need to identify individuals with high potential. The capabilities and efficiency of the HR department will directly affect the success or failure of the process. Through the ages, workforce planning has evolved as a discipline. Previously, it was a form of supply analysis, then demand analysis, and in the modern age, a gap analysis is a solution-oriented analysis.
  • Learning and Development: Most organisations consider learning and development to be a key part of their human resource management. Furthermore, the HR department is directly in charge of handling it. Training is considered the change in attitude, behaviour, and overall efficiency as a result of measures taken by the company. This entire exercise is conducted with the view to improve the competency of employees so they can better meet their personal and professional goals. An HR department is responsible for designing the training and learning framework available to the employees. This includes making important decisions like ‘Is this training mandatory?’, ‘What will be the avenues or topics that will be taught?’ and other important technical questions like, ‘How much effort do I put into training an employee and what value do I derive in return?’. The Human Resources department can ensure that there is a properly trained and skilled workforce, or their inefficiency can render them obsolete (Juneja, 2018). Learning and development have witnessed a significant shift in the recent age. Whereas previously, the process included training of individuals to perform tasks better and more efficiently, the focus has now shifted towards empowering an employee to make them more robust and capable. This shift has been primarily brought on by the advent of newer and newer technologies which are drastically de-skilling employees.
  • Employee Relations: This is a rapidly emerging field of importance where companies are focusing more and more on building proper relationships with their employees. It falls under the task of the HR department to properly conduct employee engagement activities and exercises, for example, tournaments, indoor games, competitions, marathons, seminars, group yoga, and many more. They need to connect with their employees in order to derive the best out of them. In general, this field has also evolved significantly over a short period of time (Rees and Smith, 2021). Previously breaks, games, and other ‘fun activities’ were taboo in the workplace. However, with time these have become necessary factors for motivating and sustaining happy employees.

Two major ways HR objectives can be delivered are:

  1. Outsourcing: HR objectives can be delivered by Outsourcing certain HR activities to other third-party operators. For instance, in many companies, the partner bank is in charge of handling the payroll and crediting the salaries to the employees’ salary accounts at the end of the month (Armstrong and Brown, 2019). Similarly, the hiring process can be outsourced to a smaller firm of repute to ensure the best talent is drawn in.
  2. HR Consultancy: By maintaining an HR consultancy on retainer, a company can rest easy on many internal aspects. An outside HR consultancy conducts operations with the utmost professionalism and can help the business during strategic direction changes like expansion, downsizing, change management, and many more (Armstrong and Brown, 2019).

Question 3


In the context of business, there is a definitive need for the business to perform in an Ethical, Moral, Professional, and Just manner. Many companies have emerged as champions of ethics, and these have generated massive amounts of organic goodwill from the market. On the other hand, those who have violated these boundaries and broken the trust of the general populace have been wiped out of existence. The following sections highlight the need for a business to be ethical, professional, and just.  

Ethical Manner 

Business ethics should not be considered an item on the agenda, but rather it should be considered an essential skill. In the age of digital communication and connectivity, it becomes infinitely easier for any ethical breach by a company to see the light of day. Many business leaders are of the opinion that this importance will simply grow over time. Modern businesses need to realise that business ethics drives business success (CIPD, 2019). The HR department is particularly useful in maintaining the appropriate HR policies and regulating the behaviour of employees to ensure an ethical workplace. The more effectively the HR manages the human capital, the more business profitability will soar. Business ethics is directly linked to employee behaviour (Schroeder, 2018). An ethical and morally right company will draw in individuals and customers who identify with such values. Moreover, it falls upon the human resources department to ensure that the values and core beliefs of the company are properly communicated to the employees. HR should take care to introduce a proper Code of Conduct of the business that attaches steep penalties to defaulters.  

Professional Manner 

Professional workplace culture and behaviour are critical for spelling long-term success for organisations in any industry or country. Ethical and professional work culture will ensure that the short-term objectives of a business are met, which build towards the ultimate long-term goals. The onus is on the HR department to promote professional work practices like Dress Code, Punctuality, Grievance Redressal, and other aspects. Properly enforcing such principles will create a professional and effective workforce who take pride in their duties to the company and constantly strive to deliver more value (Scot, 2019). The Code of Conduct of the business is also a useful tool in deploying proper professional tactics in the work environment.  

Just Manner 

A business has an obligation towards both its internal employees and external customers to promote fair business policies and practice organisational justice. The HR department is the major player in ensuring that there exists no injustice in the organisation. Typical examples of unjust workplace behaviour are corruption, nepotism, favouritism, discrimination, harassment, and other various policy and ethical misconducts. The HR department is tasked with enforcing the proper punishment in case of infringements to set a precedent of non-compliance with such heinous activities (Heinrich, 2018). If managers and employees feel that the company’s internal justice system is ineffective, it will lead to widespread disruptions and ultimately bring about the company’s downfall (Volkov, 2017). Just as a business has an obligation to perform in a just manner, so too the employees must act the same.  

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