What is 5UIN Assignment writing help online?

This unit of CIPD assignments guide students to handle the HR department. The key function of HR department is learning and development. And it is very significant to promote the resources through which the employs can survive in the organizations. Learning process allows candidates to relate with different types of achievements and they can also handle the challenges that are the part of achievements.

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Activity 1.1

Introduction and theoretical context

The present report is aimed at highlighting the group activity which has been performed regarding the health and wellbeing at workplace. The main focus of the practical activity was to trace the health and wellbeing factors in the Saudi based telecom company. This is the organization for which the health and wellbeing initiative are prepared and discussed after extensive research. The main objectives of the research conducted were to trace the wellbeing and health in the STC Company. The research was conducted by extensive use of the primary data, and the manner in which these were procured shall be highlighted through this report. Further discussion shall be conducted with regards to the stakeholders, and their main interests and the degree of influence on the main project. Research methodology which has been followed shall be clearly highlighted in the report. A succinct discussion into both the primary and the secondary data shall be conducted in this regard. The data pertaining to the research shall be analyzed in this regard and the same would be supported by the diagrammatic representations. The analysis shall be based on the secondary research and recommendations shall be advanced relating to the health and wellbeing at the workplace in STC. This shall include a timeline and a clear statement of the costs relating implementation of a health and wellbeing plan.

Stakeholder analysis

The project would be of interest to many stakeholders and these stakeholders shall be highlighted in the present section. Improvement of the health and well-being is important and therefore is highly invested on in many organizations. Various stakeholders are involved in the process have been highlighted in the below given table, along with their interest in the project:

StakeholderInterest in the project
Board levelThe management board would be inclined to make the workplace safer and healthier for the employees. This should be in addition to providing the employees a workplace which would ensure their wellbeing.
Vice presidentAs the leader of an organization, it is important to show that the organization adheres to the policies and norms of the health and wellbeing which has been set by the state. Therefore, the same is to be followed.
Senior managementThe senior management would be able to get greater productivity from the employees if the health and wellbeing standards to met. The employees would be satisfied in their roles and therefore, it is important to ensure the same.
HR directorIt is the responsibility of the HR function to ensure that the organization complies with the health and safety guidelines. Therefore, HR director would have a greater interest in the project than any other stakeholder
Finance departmentThere would be costs associated with the project and therefore, this would necessitate the involvement of the finance team. The budgeting and costing must be performed in coordination with the finance team.
Safety departmentThis is a very important stakeholder in this case, as the safety department plays a pivotal role in making the workplace safer and healthier.
IT departmentSignificant number of IT assets would be required for the project and therefore is an important stakeholder. The IT department would need to sanction the various IT assets which would be required.
Public affairs departmentThis is also an important stakeholder as this department is concerned with the public affairs. The project would make the public affairs more streamlined, and therefore, this department has an important interest in the process.
STC employeesThis is among the most important stakeholders as the health and wellbeing policies and procedures to be improved would directly impact the employees. The employees would be benefitted if health and wellbeing issue is addressed in the company. They have a natural influence on the project as they have a considerable responsibility for the same.

Research methodology

The primary and the secondary methods of the research shall be highlighted in this section. The table 1 shall highlight the primary methods and table 2 shall highlight the secondary methods. Primary research involves directly connecting with the target population to derive constructive insights about the subject of research (Hox and Boeije, 2005). Primary data is obtained directly from the source and involves the study of the subject by the means of firsthand experience or interaction. These may include a variety of techniques and methods which shall be highlighted using the table. The secondary methods on the other hand involve the use of paper and internet sources to procure information. These methods are referred to as secondary as the facts and findings are obtained from the researches which have already been conducted (Heaton, 2003). These may include government websites, company annual reports, research papers and journals.

Table 1

SurveysThe surveys involve gathering quantifiable data from the various respondents and involves, tracing the facts and figures in a quantitative manner. This method enables in ensuring that the data gathered is not biased. The topic of interest can be addressed adequately by using the survey method. Moreover surveys are easier to develop, and distribute among the target group. Survey responses may also be collected using platforms such as survey monkey. Most important benefit of using surveys is that fact that data can be quantified which allows for easy visualization and accurate interpretation of the results. In order to ensure greater accuracy, it is important to ensure that the sample size is large.
Historical dataThe data related to the previous situations are important to be traced. This is referred to as the historical data of the company. The historical data reflects on the situation which was before a specific event or intervention. This is one of the most important facets which need to be considered. The historical data is important in prediction of the various trends. Therefore, it is important to procure historical data from the company, such as annual reports, etc.
InterviewsInterviews involve questioning the respondents on the various aspects. The interview enables to understand the factors which need to be considered in the research. Qualitative information can be obtained from the interviews. There are many ways interviews may be conducted. The interviews can structure, semi structured or unstructured and based on the scope of the research appropriate method may be used. The interviews in this case would be with the key persons, employees etc. The questions which are asked during the interview process may either be open ended or closed ended. If the interview is open ended then the respondents get the opportunity to elaborate of the matter (Hunt et al., 1982). However, if the questions posed are closed ended then the respondent answers in single word or in yes or no. based on the research and scope appropriate method must be utilized.
Focus groupsThe most important purpose of the focus groups is to gather information related to the attitudes of the people in the group. These might include gathering the information on the beliefs, attitudes, experiences, and the reactions of the participants. This is essentially a qualitative method and is efficacious in the interpretation of the quantitative data which has been gathered.
Anonymous feedbackThis includes gathering feedback regarding certain aspects in an anonymous manner. This helps in procuring first hand data which is authentic. This is because the identities of the respondents are anonymous and therefore, a more honest response can be obtained. Therefore, a greater understanding of the subject may be procured, and therefore, it is important to be considered in this regard.
Exit interviewThis involves interviewing the employees who are leaving the organization. These interviews are essential for the purpose of the research, as these tend to be more honest. The importance of exit interviews is in the fact that, these help understand the causes behind his/her resignation. This would also shed some light on the health and wellbeing aspect of the company.

The various primary methods of research have been discussed above and the justifications for using these methods have also been given. The usage of primary data in research is important to ensure that the research is accurate. The importance of primary data over secondary data lies in the fact that primary data allows the researcher to capture the data from the first hand source. On the other hand the secondary methods involve using facts and figures from the data which has already been interpreted by eminent researchers and drawing insights from their works.

The below table highlights the secondary methods of research and the required justification for using the methods:

Secondary research methodJustification
News articlesThis involves study of the news on the target subject to understand the latest trends and news regarding the same. News articles enable the researchers to use valid information, which is authentic for the research purpose.
Journals and articlesThis involves using articles and research papers which have been published. If the articles are peer reviewed then it adds to the authenticity of the information. These are important sources of information as it helps understand the theoretical underpinnings (Vokurka, 1996). These provide the required information based on the researches which have been conducted using primary methods.
BooksThe books by various eminent authors are important to be studied as these are rich sources of information for the research. The information pertaining to the health and wellbeing, along with the basic areas of study such as main stakeholders, importance of health and wellbeing policies etc. provide the related information.
Internet sourcesThese are readily available and authentic sources of information. However, it is imperative to ensure that the data being used is from a trustworthy website. Government websites are the most suitable source of information on the statutory regulations on health and wellbeing at the workplace. Similarly, the company website of STC, would cater to the information needs for the research and the extent to which the policies regarding health and wellbeing have been implemented. Basically, exploring the internet sources can help trace all forms of information which are required for analysis.

Data analysis

The group research was conducted on the health and wellbeing situation at the company STC. The data related to the company has been sourced from the secondary sources, along with the information on the industry trends. These are among the most important aspects which needs to be highlighted.

The employee health and wellbeing program highlighted some important aspects, and this includes the fact that the health and well being program has a direct implication on the employee and the business development (Griffin, 1986). This further is essential to ensure that the employer of choice is able to attract various talents. The following diagram further highlights the importance of the program:

The research further reveals some of the important tenets related to the industry in which the company is operational. Findings suggest that 17000 employees are directly only in KSA, and less than 50000 contractors are operational in KSA market. PIF owns 70% and 30% is publicly owned. As of 2021, the health and wellbeing policies have contributed to an increase in employee satisfaction by 20%. Some of the diseases which may be caused include, diabetes, blood pressure, smoking problems, ulcers and stomach problems. It was also found that STC lacks healthy environment. This is because there are high voltage electric pole which may be hazard. Covid-19 pandemic is also an important aspect which needs to be addressed and it is important to maintain the social distancing norms. This is therefore one of the most important factors which needs to be traced. Equipments are often found to be faulty which is a major hazard. The employees also have bad diet habits which are a major challenge, and leads to diseases like diabetes and heart issues (De Simone, 2014). Some important benefits of workplace wellbeing has been traced, and these include the following:

Improves morale

Increases employee engagement

Benefits of workplace health and wellbeing

This allows for easy collaboration of employees with other departments

The results pertaining to health and wellbeing before the program was implemented have been shown in the below graph:

Figure 3: Situation of the health issues before the program

The expectations from the program have been shown below in the diagrammatic representation:

Figure 3: Expected results from the program


To conclude it may be stated that the report has succinctly highlighted the research which has been conducted. In addition, the various methodologies have been discussed. The primary and secondary research methods have been discussed in two tables. The justification for the use of the methods has also been highlighted. The process of data collection and analysis of the relevant data gathered have been highlighted in the present research. Some of the important points have been highlighted below:

  • Wellbeing program must be adopted by the senior management in order to ensure that continued improvement and effectiveness
  • It is important to make sure that the program is related to the culture of the employees and needs
  • Some forms of entertainments may be used such as scoreboards, games and competition to ensure that the participants are engaged.
  • The health and wellbeing shall reflect a positive shadow on the organization
  • Assisting in reduction of heart disease, blood pressure, and stress.
  • Regular fitness checkups must be included in the program so that the health of the employees can be understood.


A total of 6 months must be taken for the implementation of the health and wellbeing program. In this time 6 modules must be highlighted and these include the following:

  1. Fitness warm up lasting for 1 month
  2. Holistic nutrition lasting for 1 month
  3. Breathing and meditation lasting for 1 month
  4. Yoga lasting for 1 month
  5. Vegan diets lasting for 1 month
  6. Mental health lasting for 1 month

The process should include some important stages which would be the following:

  • Lectures which are provided by the field experts in the field related to health and wellbeing
  • Showing documentaries on the importance of health and wellbeing
  • Performing workshops and interactive sessions which are relevant
  • Regular emails to motivate the employees to lead a healthy life
  • Questionnaires shall be given every week to check for the progress

Apart from the aforementioned program, it is important for the employees to understand what best practices are and accordingly carryout the operations. It is important therefore, to ensure that the employees and the workforce as a whole is healthy and well organized.

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Why us for 5UIN writing help online?

The main purpose to plotting assignments to students is to explore more ideas and knowledge about the particular subject which help them to give new ideas in that field. Hence assigning projects of CIPD units is also related with their development of knowledge in that subject. But without guidance it is just impossible to give A grade assignments. Hence our online assignment help service is here to help students.

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