Employee wellbeing has emerged as a critical concern in contemporary workplaces, with organizations recognizing its profound impact on both individual and organizational outcomes. This essay aims to critically evaluate how a lack of support for employee wellbeing can detrimentally affect various aspects of work, including turnover, absenteeism, presenteeism, leave-ism, mental health, and productivity. It will draw references from the CIPD wellbeing report and link the discussion to the 7OS05 CIPD module.


Employee wellbeing plays a significant role in staff retention. When individuals perceive a lack of support for their wellbeing, they are more likely to seek alternative employment opportunities. High turnover rates not only disrupt workflow but also incur significant costs associated with recruitment, selection, and training. According to the CIPD wellbeing report, organizations that invest in employee wellbeing experience reduced turnover, as employees feel valued, supported, and engaged.

Absenteeism and Presenteeism:

Insufficient support for employee wellbeing can contribute to increased absenteeism and presenteeism. Absenteeism refers to employees being absent from work due to physical or mental health issues, while presenteeism refers to individuals being physically present but not fully engaged or productive. Employees experiencing poor wellbeing may take more sick days, leading to reduced productivity and increased strain on remaining staff. Moreover, presenteeism can result in decreased quality of work, increased errors, and further negative impacts on employee wellbeing.


Leave-ism refers to a situation where employees are unable to fully disconnect from work during their time off, such as vacations or weekends, due to work-related pressures. A lack of support for employee wellbeing can contribute to an unhealthy work-life balance, where individuals feel compelled to stay connected and available at all times. The CIPD wellbeing report highlights that leave-ism can lead to increased stress, burnout, and decreased job satisfaction, ultimately impacting both individual and organizational outcomes.

Mental Health:

Employee wellbeing significantly influences mental health, and organizations need to prioritize mental health support. In the absence of adequate support systems, employees may experience increased stress, anxiety, and depression. The CIPD wellbeing report emphasizes that poor mental health can lead to reduced concentration, creativity, and problem-solving abilities, negatively impacting individual performance and overall productivity. Additionally, it can contribute to higher levels of turnover, absenteeism, and presenteeism.


Employee wellbeing is closely linked to productivity levels within organizations. When employees feel supported, motivated, and valued, they are more likely to be engaged and committed to their work. Conversely, a lack of support for wellbeing can lead to decreased productivity, increased errors, and reduced overall performance. The CIPD wellbeing report highlights that organizations that prioritize employee wellbeing observe higher levels of productivity and innovation, contributing to their competitive advantage.


This essay has critically evaluated the impact of insufficient support for employee wellbeing on various organizational and employee outcomes. Drawing references from the CIPD wellbeing report and linking the discussion to the 7OS05 CIPD module, it is evident that employee wellbeing influences turnover, absenteeism, presenteeism, leave-ism, mental health, and productivity. Organizations must recognize the significance of employee wellbeing and invest in supportive measures to create a positive work environment that fosters individual and organizational success.

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