The law surrounding different types of employment contracts is crucial in establishing and regulating the relationship between employers and employees. This analysis explores the fundamental principles that underpin the law on employment contracts, including express and implied terms, common law duties, the process of establishing a contract of employment, and lawful methods to change employment contracts. By understanding these principles, organizations can navigate legal requirements effectively, ensuring compliance and promoting harmonious employment relationships.

Express and Implied Terms:

Employment contracts consist of both express and implied terms. Express terms are explicitly agreed upon by the parties involved and are usually recorded in writing. These terms cover essential elements such as job title, working hours, remuneration, and duration of employment. They provide a clear understanding of the rights and obligations of both parties.

Implied terms, on the other hand, are not expressly stated but are considered to be automatically included in the contract based on various factors such as custom and practice, statutory requirements, and the intentions of the parties. Examples of implied terms include the duty of mutual trust and confidence, which requires employers and employees to treat each other fairly and reasonably, and the duty to provide a safe working environment.

Common Law Duties:

In addition to the express and implied terms, common law duties play a crucial role in the employment relationship. Employers have a duty to provide employees with a safe and healthy working environment, ensuring compliance with health and safety regulations. They must also exercise reasonable care in the selection and supervision of employees.

Employees, on the other hand, owe certain duties to their employers, such as performing their duties with reasonable skill and care, maintaining confidentiality, and refraining from activities that could harm the employer’s business interests. These common law duties help maintain trust and professionalism in the employment relationship.

Establishing a Contract of Employment:

To establish a valid contract of employment, certain elements must be present. These include an offer of employment, acceptance of the offer by the employee, consideration (such as wages or benefits), and an intention to create legal relations. Contracts can be formed orally, in writing, or through conduct, although it is advisable to have written contracts to avoid disputes and ensure clarity.

Lawful Ways to Change Contracts of Employment:

Changing employment contracts can be necessary to accommodate evolving business needs or individual circumstances. However, any modifications must be made lawfully. Changes can be implemented through agreement between the parties, provided there is valid consideration and the change is not in breach of any statutory rights or implied terms. Employers may also introduce changes through collective agreements with trade unions or by using the “unilateral variation” clause, if it exists in the contract and allows for modifications.

Practical Significance for Organizations:

Understanding the principles underpinning the law on employment contracts is vital for organizations. Compliance with legal requirements promotes fair treatment, minimizes the risk of disputes, and fosters positive employee relations. Organizations that align their practices with the law can attract and retain talented employees, build trust, and enhance their reputation.

By clearly defining express terms, organizations can mitigate misunderstandings and conflicts. Clarity regarding working hours, job descriptions, and remuneration helps set expectations and prevents disputes. Adhering to implied terms, such as providing a safe working environment and upholding mutual trust and confidence, creates a positive work culture and enhances employee well-being.

Organizations must also be mindful of their common law duties. Investing in health and safety measures protects employees and reduces the likelihood of accidents or legal claims. Employing a diligent recruitment process and providing appropriate training ensures employees possess the necessary skills, contributing to productivity and organizational success.


The principles underpinning the law on employment contracts, including express and implied terms, common law duties, establishing contracts, and lawful methods of change, are essential for organizations to maintain legal compliance, foster positive employee relations, and achieve their strategic objectives. By understanding these principles, organizations can create transparent and fair employment relationships that benefit both employers and employees.

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