What is CIPD 5UIN Assignment Help Examples?
CIPD 5UIN is a unit in the CIPD Level 5 Intermediate Diploma in Human Resource Management. This unit is designed to help students develop their understanding of the principles and practices of reward management in organizations. The unit covers topics such as the design and implementation of reward strategies, the management of pay and benefits, and the evaluation and improvement of reward systems.
When it comes to CIPD 5UIN assignment help examples, there are a variety of topics that students may be asked to explore. For instance, they may be asked to analyze the effectiveness of a company’s current reward strategy, develop a new reward strategy for a particular business scenario, evaluate the impact of pay and benefits on employee motivation and engagement, or identify key trends and challenges in reward management.
To successfully complete CIPD 5UIN assignments, students may need to draw on a range of academic theories, research findings, and practical case studies. They may also need to demonstrate critical thinking skills, communication skills, and an ability to apply their knowledge in real-world contexts
5UIN CIPD Assignment Help Examples as Explained by our Experts
(AC3.1, 4.1) (2500 words)
Based on the group work you have been involved in for Part A, and your own research, compile a report for your own organisation’s senior managers (or for another organisation you are familiar with or been involved with) setting out the case for your organisation adopting the concept of employee health and wellbeing, with recommendations for a health and wellbeing programme.
Your report should:
a. Set out and compare the differences between primary and secondary sources you have used and justify your use of these sources, and the validity and reliability of the data you have researched as an individual or as part of the group activity
b. Identify who the main stakeholders are that you are addressing the report to and analyse their interest and influence in the area being investigated.
c. Using an appropriate mix of diagrammatic and narrative formats, draw conclusions from your own and the group research and make recommendations to the stakeholders you have identified. Justify your conclusions and recommendations by reference to the data analysis you have undertaken
d. Compile a health and wellbeing programme/plan for your organisation as part of your recommendations.
You should refer to relevant theory and apply theoretical models. You must indicate in the reference list/bibliography what sources were your own contribution to your report and which came from the group activity.
You can draw upon the research conducted during the group activity but you must also show that you have been able to research further on your own and provide evidence of doing this.
To stay within the word count requirements, you will not be able to provide as much detail as you would realistically be expected for a report of this nature. What you are expected to do is produce an abridged report that could be expanded to a full version. To help you achieve this, you should work within the template boxes below, which provides specific guidance on each requirement.
Title page and Executive Summary. (AC4.1) (approx 150 words)
This report would include a comprehensive health and wellbeing plan aimed at revamping the existing health and wellbeing initiatives which are in place in the company. While health and wellbeing are very important for the companies and its employees, these are often neglected by the management. However, this is a major challenge for the employees and the companies alike. Poor health and wellbeing lead to major challenges such as absenteeism, and increased turnover of staff. Workplace health and wellbeing impacts almost all aspects associated with the working life of people. Therefore, good health and wellbeing is important to ensure that the employees perform optimally. However, some essential information related to health and wellbeing must be gained from the various forms of data. This report would include an appraisal of the primary and secondary methods using which information may be obtained. Based on the information on health and wellbeing received from the secondary sources recommendations shall be given.
Introduction and theoretical context. (AC4.1) Provide an outline of what you would include here in a full report. This may be presented as a series of bullet points/statements as long as it is clear how these can be expanded to a full version. (approx 200 words)
Wellbeing in the workplaces is increasingly becoming one of the most common topics associated with the scholarly research. Fostering employee health and wellbeing is a good practice for the employees at work and must be propagated by the management. promoting wellbeing and better healthy practices can help the employees deal with the issues of stress and lead to creation of positive work environments. Workplace health and wellbeing has increased in popularity and is found in the public policy agenda and this constitutes an important function for the HR personnel (Wellbeing at Work | Factsheets | CIPD, 2021). There is a positive link between the employee wellbeing and long-term health and the organization. In order to avoid various challenges associated with productivity and employee retention, the organizations must play an active role in ensuring that the health and wellbeing of the employees is maintained. This report entails a comprehensive analysis of the various stakeholders associated with the health and wellbeing along with recommendations based on secondary research, on how to improve the health and wellbeing of the organization. This data shall be analyzed using various graphical images and statistics and this would be helpful in delivering good recommendations in how to ensure better wellbeing and health for the employees.
A stakeholder analysis. (AC4.1) Provide a summary stakeholder analysis – identify level of interest and influence on the project (approx 200 words)
There are some essential stakeholders who have a dominant role to play in the health and wellbeing initiative and are directly affected by the same. The main stakeholders are as follows:
- Senior managers: The senior managers contribute to the health and wellbeing by providing planning and strategies. They sanction the health and wellbeing initiatives by the organizations and act as a role model to the subordinates with regards to health and wellbeing. They also sanction the allocation of funds, and enable for better information across the organization regarding health and wellbeing.
- HR managers: Their role in ensuring health and wellbeing is pivotal, and they ensure implementation of the health and wellbeing. They help in formulating the policies for the employees regarding health and wellbeing. Providing various forms of guidance and assistance regarding wellbeing is also a major function of the employees.
- Line managers: They help in communication of the health and wellbeing strategies to the employees who report to them. They assist the employees with health and wellbeing issues and improve communications.
- Employees: The employees are directly affected by the health and wellbeing challenges and therefore their input is essential in development of the initiatives. The inputs of the employees may be gained through various methods such as interviews and surveys.
Research methodology – justification for primary and secondary methods. (AC4.1) Include two tables: Table 1 – Primary methods (method/justification for using) Table 2 – Secondary methods (method/justification for using) Construct Table 1 based on a scenario where you would actually conduct the research even though you will not be doing this. Your analysis in task 5 below will be based entirely upon secondary methods/sources. (approx 200 words)
Primary methods
Primary methods | Definition and use |
Focus groups | This is an important method of collecting information whereby the employees are spoken to in groups. This can be their respective work groups and this would help in understanding the issues they are facing. |
Interviews | This involves speaking to the employees one on one, and asking about the issues which they are facing regarding health and wellbeing. Exit interviews are also conducted among outgoing employees to understand the situation. |
Surveys | These may be conducted to get quantitative information and a general overview of the health and wellbeing situation in the company. |
Table 1
Secondary methods
Secondary methods | Definition and use |
Research articles | These are basically results of research conducted by researchers and scholars. Therefore, the information which are obtained from the these help understand the theoretical aspects related to health and wellbeing. |
Internet sources | The internet is a ready source of information which can help inform the decisions by management. Internet sources provide necessary insights related to modern trends etc. |
Books | These are very reliable sources of information and provides theoretical knowledge on the importance of health and wellbeing. Various methods for implementation of health and wellbeing initiatives are also found in books. |
Data analysis – findings from the research – including diagrams. (AC4.1) This will be based entirely on secondary research. This section should be written in full, drawing upon the group research, but you should also build on this with your own research. You should include 2 – 3 graphical representation of data, (approx 1000 words)
The analysis of the data from the various secondary sources reveals that there can be various improvements in the health and wellbeing policies of the organization. The secondary data reveals employee wellbeing is more than just absence of sickness among the employees. There are various dimensions associated with employee health and wellbeing. In addition, the wellbeing initiatives have become more important now more than ever due to outbreak of the pandemic and the sudden and unprecedented nature of the issue. However, employee wellbeing was a dominant aspect to be considered even before the outbreak of the pandemic. The research suggests that there are many issues associated with psychological, and physical health of the employees. It is essential to make sure the needs of health and wellbeing are satisfied. This can also be traced from various theories of management such as Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, whereby physiological needs are found at the base of the pyramid as these are basic for any person. Therefore, the importance of ensuring the health and wellbeing is paramount in any organization (Pescud et al., 2015). The relation between employee wellbeing and absenteeism is well established through various researches. Companies are increasingly taking into account that prevention of issues such as burnout of the employees, sickness, stress, etc. is more beneficial for the employees and the companies as well. This is because, if the employees fall ill due to sedentary lifestyles there can be greater absenteeism which is detrimental to the productivity of the company. The increased workloads often leads to negligence of health related issues by the employees which leads to challenges such as diabetes, high levels of blood pressure and other forms of diseases. The employees who generally state that they experience a higher level of burnout at work are more at the risk of taking frequent leaves from work. This increases the costs associated with high absenteeism for the employers. The below graph highlights the main health issues which leads to greater absenteeism:

Figure 1: Main health issues which lead to absenteeism
The above graph, obtained from a research article shows the prevalent causes of absence among the employees. These are therefore, important to be addressed and these health issues can be tackled through effective planning and support to the employees.
The expenditure of the companies on employee health and wellbeing are however, not increasing adequately and are considered to be mere formalities in many companies. Traditionally, health and wellbeing initiatives have included discounted gyms near offices, healthy food in the office canteen, and annual health checkups. However, the employees are looking for more than these things in companies. Employees need to feel valued as human beings at the workplace, who require adequate support and a sense of belongingness at the office (Andersen et al., 2015). These include important aspects such as having a welcoming environment in the offices, and a health workplace culture along with strong support for health and wellbeing. It is important that the companies increase their investment in the health and wellbeing regularly and based on the industry standards renew their health and wellbeing initiatives. However, the modern trends associated with workplace culture suggests that there is a need to improve the systems at workplace and prioritize health of the employees. A survey conducted by BBC news indicate that the proportion of the employees who are showing up for work despite being moderate to highly ill is increasing. The following graph shows the increasing levels of employee attendance despite physical illness:

Figure 2: Employees coming to work despite illness
This is alarming as it indicates the rigid systems which are prevalent in the workplaces. The increase in workload and pressures due to targets compel the employees to come to work despite being ill, and this has bad implications in the long term. The employees who have to come to work despite being sick, would have a poor mental image about the company he works in and therefore, it would affect employee loyalty and productivity. Moreover, the organization would fail to develop high performing teams if health and wellbeing challenges are ignored. Therefore, it is imperative to ensure that the employees are well taken care off. This is not only in case of physical health, but also for emotional and mental health. Major mental and psychological wellbeing issues which impede employee productivity at workplace. Based on a survey conducted among some of the employees on their mental wellbeing, it was found that the there is poor mental wellbeing among the employees. The below graph shows this:

Figure 3: The mental health issues and their prevalence in workplace
The outbreak of the pandemic has played a major role in further affecting the mental health. Therefore, it is imperative for the organizations to take very concerted and well developed steps for the betterment of the employees. Some of the important measures which may be taken by the organization would help in development of employee health. There can be various wellness programs being organized there may be some important wellness program components which could help in better health and wellbeing. The following graph shows some of the initiatives which can be taken:

Figure 4: The wellness program components
These wellness programs are of importance as these would facilitate the employees have a positive attitude towards work and would also help in increasing attendance of the employees. The organizations may be faced with challenges such as increased employee turnover and absenteeism if the work conditions of the employees are not good. There must be a proper balance to ensure that physical and mental health of the employees are maintained.
CIPD health and wellbeing survey indicates the top three benefits for the employer if they ensure good health and wellbeing initiatives by the employer. These are as follows:
- Good health and wellbeing enable for better employee morale along with engagement
- A healthier and more inclusive culture at work which yields better productivity
- Lower levels of sickness and absence due to this
Therefore, it is important for the HR function to effectively assist in implementation of the health and wellbeing programs of the company and adapt these as per requirement.
Conclusions. (AC3.1) Guidance: These can be listed as bullet points – but you should include brief comments on your level of confidence in each conclusion. Ensure that all conclusions can be cross-mapped to the analysis. (approx 200 words)
Some essential aspects have been found from the secondary sources.
- Firstly, the findings suggest that poor health and wellbeing leads to absenteeism among the employees. This is an important cause for the loss of productivity and the lack of proper policies for providing health related support to the employees may cause issues in the long run. The main diseases which lead to absenteeism include typhoid, diarrhea, gastro-intestinal problems, Asthma, respiratory disease etc.
- Secondly, the increase in the pressure and workload at the organization has led to a gradual increase in presence of the employees even if they are suffering from diseases. This is a big problem as in the long run, this is very dangerous to the health of the employees. Workload of the employees often cause the employees to disregard their health and go to work. Therefore, steps must be taken by the companies to prevent this and provide the required support to the employees.
- Thirdly, mental wellbeing is also found to be very important and employees are often tired, stressed, burned out, discouraged, depressed, and discouraged. This affects the capabilities to do their works and hence affects productivity. Therefore, methods should be developed so as to ensure that the mental health is also taken care of.
Recommendations and employee health and well-being programme/plan – including costs. (AC3.1) Recommendations: these can be listed as bullet points/statements Plan: with timeline, who responsible, costs (approx 350 words)
There are some recommendations to help address the issues of physical and mental health and wellbeing of the employees. These steps are as follows:
- The employees must be provided with free quarterly health check-ups, and diagnosis facilities. If any health issues are diagnosed, then the company must offer to assist the employee to seek recovery and this can include providing paid time off work.
- The employees can be provided sessions with physicians at health camps organized by the company, where the physicians can provide them with guidance on good and healthy practice. They might assist the employees in getting out of the sedentary lifestyle and get enough exercise. This initiative would require active support from the top management and senior managers. This is therefore important to make sure
- The organization must ensure work-life balance for the employees, and various strategies can be developed for the same. This may include job rotation, and strategic scheduling to ensure that the productivity goals are met and the employees also get adequate work life balance. This is important to make sure that the mental health of the employees is good. When employees are over worked it affects their morale and overall energy to work for the greater good of the organization. Some important stakeholders in these initiatives would be the people professionals, employees and the line managers.
- Counselling sessions can also be organized every quarter for the mental wellbeing of the employees. The employees must be provided with mental support for dealing with the stress of everyday work. This initiative can potentially help the employees to better cope with the work-related stress. The research revealed issues such as depression and tiredness among the employees. The counselling sessions can have good outcomes in this area, and actually help the employees. The main persons responsible for this would be the HR personnel and they would need to organize such sessions by coordinating with third party service providers.
ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS: Please also comment on how you will transfer the new knowledge and skills gained during this assignment into working practices. You may also use this reflection for your CPD. (approx 200 words)
I shall transfer what I have learnt in this module to my working practice. I have learnt a lot about the health and wellbeing, and how it is important. I have understood the main stakeholders in an organizational context, who play important part in health and wellbeing. I have also learnt about the importance of various sources of data such as primary and secondary sources. This knowledge shall help in evidence-based decision making in the future in professional field. I also learnt about the various aspects related to health and wellbeing and understood several of the main challenges related to the health and wellbeing. These are essential as the employees. I will try to implement good health and wellbeing initiatives at workplace and ensure optimal performance by the employees. This way I can also address the issues related to absenteeism and employee turnover. This is one of the most important aspects which I will consider and I will help the senior management lead a good and healthy workforce.
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