What is 7LMD Assignment Examples?

7LMD stands for “Seven Layers of Media Design,” which is a framework used for designing effective and engaging digital media. The seven layers of the framework include the following:

Interface design: This layer focuses on the user interface and how it is designed to enhance user experience.

Interaction design:

This layer is concerned with how users interact with the digital media, including navigation, functionality, and user feedback.

Information design:


This layer deals with the presentation of information and how it is organized, structured, and communicated to users.

Visual design:


This layer is all about the aesthetics of the digital media, including color schemes, typography, and graphics.

Motion design:

This layer focuses on the use of animation and video to enhance the user experience and create a dynamic environment.

Sound design:

This layer is concerned with the use of audio to enhance the user experience and create a more immersive environment.

Experience design:

This layer ties all the previous layers together to create a cohesive and engaging user experience.

Using the 7LMD framework, designers can create effective and engaging digital media that meets the needs of users and achieves the desired objectives. Examples of assignments that can be completed using the 7LMD framework include:

Designing a mobile app that allows users to book appointments with a doctor. This assignment would require attention to interface design, interaction design, information design, visual design, and experience design.

Creating a website for a restaurant that features an online menu, online ordering, and reservation system. This assignment would require attention to interface design, interaction design, information design, visual design, motion design, sound design, and experience design.

Developing a video game that immerses players in a fantasy world. This assignment would require attention to interface design, interaction design, information design, visual design, motion design, sound design, and experience design.

In conclusion, the 7LMD framework is a useful tool for designers who want to create effective and engaging digital media. By paying attention to the seven layers of the framework, designers can ensure that their digital media meets the needs of users and achieves the desired objectives.

What does 7LMD Assignment Examples Module Covered?

The 7LMD Assignment Examples module covers the application of the Seven Layers of Media Design (7LMD) framework in various digital media design assignments. The 7LMD framework is a comprehensive model that guides designers in creating effective and engaging digital media by focusing on seven distinct layers: interface design, interaction design, information design, visual design, motion design, sound design, and experience design.

The module covers a range of digital media design assignments that are suited for different levels of expertise, from beginners to advanced designers. The assignments are designed to challenge students to apply the 7LMD framework to create engaging digital media that meets specific user needs and achieves the desired objectives.

One of the assignments covered in the module is designing a mobile app that allows users to book appointments with a doctor. This assignment requires students to pay attention to interface design, interaction design, information design, visual design, and experience design. For instance, the interface design should be simple and easy to navigate to ensure that users can book appointments quickly and efficiently. The information design should be clear and concise to help users understand the different types of appointments available, the doctor’s qualifications, and other relevant information.

Another assignment covered in the module is creating a website for a restaurant that features an online menu, online ordering, and reservation system. This assignment requires students to pay attention to interface design, interaction design, information design, visual design, motion design, sound design, and experience design. For instance, the visual design should be visually appealing and consistent with the restaurant’s branding to create a lasting impression on visitors. The interaction design should allow users to browse the menu, place an order, and make a reservation easily and efficiently. The sound design can include background music to create a relaxing ambiance for visitors.

The module also covers advanced assignments such as developing a video game that immerses players in a fantasy world. This assignment requires students to pay attention to all the layers of the 7LMD framework. For instance, the interface design should be intuitive and allow players to navigate the game world easily. The interaction design should allow players to interact with various game elements seamlessly. The information design should present the game’s rules and objectives clearly. The visual design should be visually appealing and consistent with the game’s theme. The motion design should include animations and special effects to enhance the game’s immersive experience. The sound design should include background music and sound effects to create a more realistic environment.

In conclusion, the 7LMD Assignment Examples module covers a range of digital media design assignments that challenge students to apply the 7LMD framework to create effective and engaging digital media. The module is suitable for beginners and advanced designers and covers a range of digital media design assignments, including mobile app design, website design, and video game design. The module provides a practical and hands-on approach to learning digital media design and is an excellent resource for students and professionals looking to enhance their digital media design skills.

7LMD Assignment Examples along with other Level Examples for Reference

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