What is 7MER Assignment Examples?

The 7MER (Seven-Minute Explainer Video) Assignment is a popular project that requires students to create a seven-minute video that explains a concept or topic in an engaging and informative way. The aim of this assignment is to develop students’ research, communication, and presentation skills. Here are some examples of 7MER assignment topics:

Climate Change:

The Impact on Our Planet – In this assignment, students research the causes and effects of climate change and how it is affecting our planet. They may discuss topics such as rising sea levels, melting glaciers, and the impact on wildlife. The video may also explore ways to reduce our carbon footprint and mitigate the effects of climate change.

Cyber Security:

Staying Safe Online – In this assignment, students research different types of cyber threats such as phishing scams, malware attacks, and identity theft. They may discuss best practices for staying safe online such as using strong passwords, keeping software up-to-date, and avoiding suspicious websites. The video may also provide tips for protecting personal information and avoiding online scams.

Artificial Intelligence:

The Future of Technology – In this assignment, students explore the concept of artificial intelligence and its potential impact on our society. They may discuss topics such as machine learning, natural language processing, and robotics. The video may also examine ethical considerations surrounding AI and its potential impact on jobs and the economy.

Mental Health:

Coping with Stress and Anxiety – In this assignment, students research different coping mechanisms for managing stress and anxiety. They may discuss topics such as mindfulness, exercise, and therapy. The video may also provide tips for recognizing the signs of stress and anxiety and seeking help when needed.


The Origin of Life – In this assignment, students explore the scientific theory of evolution and how it explains the diversity of life on Earth. They may discuss topics such as natural selection, genetic drift, and speciation. The video may also examine common misconceptions about evolution and provide evidence supporting the theory.


The Impact on Culture – In this assignment, students research the impact of globalization on cultures around the world. They may discuss topics such as cultural exchange, cultural appropriation, and the homogenization of culture. The video may also examine the role of media and technology in shaping cultural trends.

Sustainable Energy:

The Future of Power – In this assignment, students explore different types of sustainable energy such as solar, wind, and hydroelectric power. They may discuss the benefits of using renewable energy sources and the potential impact on the environment. The video may also examine the challenges of transitioning to a sustainable energy system.

Overall, the 7MER Assignment is a great way for students to develop research and presentation skills while exploring important topics that affect our world today.

What does 7MER Assignment Examples Module Covered?

The 7MER (Seven-Minute Explainer Video) Assignment is a popular project that is often used in educational settings to help students develop research, communication, and presentation skills. The assignment requires students to create a seven-minute video that explains a concept or topic in an engaging and informative way. Here, we will discuss the different modules that are covered by the examples given in the previous answer.

Climate Change:

The Impact on Our Planet – This assignment covers the module of environmental science. Students need to research the causes and effects of climate change, and how it is affecting our planet. They may also discuss different ways to reduce our carbon footprint and mitigate the effects of climate change. The video may also touch on political and economic factors that contribute to climate change.

Cyber Security:

Staying Safe Online – This assignment covers the module of computer science. Students need to research different types of cyber threats such as phishing scams, malware attacks, and identity theft. They may also discuss best practices for staying safe online such as using strong passwords, keeping software up-to-date, and avoiding suspicious websites. The video may also touch on legal and ethical issues surrounding cyber security.

Artificial Intelligence:


The Future of Technology – This assignment covers the module of computer science and engineering. Students need to explore the concept of artificial intelligence and its potential impact on our society. They may discuss topics such as machine learning, natural language processing, and robotics. The video may also examine ethical considerations surrounding AI and its potential impact on jobs and the economy.

Mental Health:

Coping with Stress and Anxiety – This assignment covers the module of psychology. Students need to research different coping mechanisms for managing stress and anxiety. They may discuss topics such as mindfulness, exercise, and therapy. The video may also provide tips for recognizing the signs of stress and anxiety and seeking help when needed.


The Origin of Life – This assignment covers the module of biology. Students need to explore the scientific theory of evolution and how it explains the diversity of life on Earth. They may discuss topics such as natural selection, genetic drift, and speciation. The video may also examine common misconceptions about evolution and provide evidence supporting the theory.


The Impact on Culture – This assignment covers the module of social sciences. Students need to research the impact of globalization on cultures around the world. They may discuss topics such as cultural exchange, cultural appropriation, and the homogenization of culture. The video may also examine the role of media and technology in shaping cultural trends.

Sustainable Energy:

The Future of Power – This assignment covers the module of environmental science and engineering. Students need to explore different types of sustainable energy such as solar, wind, and hydroelectric power. They may discuss the benefits of using renewable energy sources and the potential impact on the environment. The video may also examine the challenges of transitioning to a sustainable energy system, and the policies and technologies needed to achieve this transition.

In conclusion, the 7MER Assignment covers a wide range of modules that span different disciplines such as environmental science, computer science, psychology, biology, social sciences, and engineering. The assignment provides students with an opportunity to explore important topics in a creative and engaging way, while also developing research, communication, and presentation skills.

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